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Level Up

In the fitness industry this is known as "newbie gains" and it's an exciting time. "In terms of cardio, most studies show that within three to four weeks you can improve your VO2 [your maximum rate of oxygen consumption] somewhere between 20 and 30 per cent using interval training.

Build muscle

If you do a full body workout, you need more time to recover, and this means more days with no training.

Body improve

Don't forget to warm up with some easy exercises or mild stretching before you do any physical activity.

Cardio Fitness

Burn calories and blast fat fast with the best cardio workouts on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike — or using no equipment at all!

Protein plan

Adding additional protein to your diet helps give your muscles the energy ... or post-workout, then I would recommend drinking a protein shake.


Muscle requires the right amount of nutrients to grow. That includes protein, carbs, and fat. If you don't eat enough, your body can't use calories for repair and growth. You can lift weights until you're blue in the face, but without excess calories, resistance training won't affect your muscle mass.